No N.E.E.T. to worry: Positive Thinking For N.E.E.Ts And E.S. Leavers


  • To provide youth workers with competences and tools to effectively act as mentors for NEETs and Early School Leavers, supporting them in their re-engagement in society.
  • To experiment positive thinking approaches for effective communication, resilience promotion, problem solving and proactivity and to equip youth workers with the above skills to support vulnerable target groups such as NEETs and Early School Leavers.
  • To provide space for sharing of experiences and good practices, awareness of Erasmus+ opportunities for networking and cooperation in the youth field.
  • To foster quality improvements in youth work, enhancing cooperation between organizations in the youth field and awareness towards EU funding opportunities.


  • 8 day training for youth workers


  • The adaptation of positive attitude, fostering resilience and soft skills useful for youth workers to be used to support these vulnerable groups in re-engage in society.
  • Active involvement of participants in the theoretical and practical sessions, non- formal activities, creative activities, team-building activities
  • Inclusive and cooperative learning: participants will be actively involved in the learning process and cooperation among participants will be fostered through group work and interaction.
  • A peer-to-peer approach: participants will be encouraged in sharing theirknowledge, experiences and ideas, not only during the activities (Inter-cultural dinners) but alsoinnon- formal moments (coffee-breaks, dinners,etc.).
  • Working on their S.W.O.T analysis, further developing their self-analysis skills, for discovering their strengths and weaknesses, boosting their own self-awareness and self- esteem.


  • Centro Per Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (coordinator, Italiy)
  • EC Geoss
  • Forum Za Slobodu Odgoja
  • Inter Alia
  • Einurð
  • Center For Intercultural Dialogue Association
  • Centrul European Pentru Tineret
  • Divadlo Bez Domova
  • Eurodynamis
  • Propósito Inadiável- Associação Para Costumes Futuros
  • Mozaik Insan Kaynaklari Gelistirme Dernegi
  • Pistes Solidaire

Project duration is between 1. 10. 2020 and 17. 5. 2021. Co-funded by the  Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.