So I BeLiv: Social Innovation for Better Living 


  • To find out which aspects of young people’s lives have been or still are most affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, what are the real needs of the target group.
  • In response to the needs identified, propose solutions (new social innovations) to tackle the issues that occured (and can occure in similar future occassions) and make suggestions to decision-makers on how to include them in decision-making processes.


5 international events:

  1. Croatia International Conference (April 13th, 2023) – EVENT DESCRIPTION SHEET
    Participation: the event brought together 135 participants; 26 international and 109 local. 8 participants came from Slovenia, 8 from Spain, 4 from France, 6 from Italy and the remaining 109 from Croatia.
    Venue/date: The event took place in Sibenik (Croatia) on 13/4/2023.
    Brief description: The aim of the event was to present the findings of the research carried out in the partner countries on the Impact of COVID-19 on the lives of young people and to discuss with the participants how to cope with or address the problems of young people caused by the pandemic. One international report was produced on the topic.
  2. International Conference Italy (September, 2023)EVENT DESCRIPTION SHEET
    the event brought together 130 participants; 29 international and 101 local. 8 participants came from Slovenia, 8 from Spain, 5 from Croatia, 8 from France and the remaining 101 from Croatia.
    Place/date: The event took place in Palermo (Italy) on 11/9/2023.
    Brief description: The aim of the event was to present and discuss the findings of research carried out in the partner countries on how local communities have responded to address the negative effects of the COVID-19 crisis on young people. One international report was produced on the topic.
  3. International workshops Slovenia (January 2024)EVENT DESCRIPTION SHEET
    The first event was attended by 87 participants and the second event by 62 participants. Both events brought together a total of 149 participants; 32 international and 117 local. 8 participants attended from Croatia, 8 from Spain, 5 from Croatia, 8 from France and the remaining 117 from Slovenia.
    Place/date: The two events took place in Litija (Slovenia), the first on 24/1/2024 and the second on 30/1/2024.
    Brief description: The aim of the event was to present and discuss the results of research carried out in the partner countries on existing social innovations that address the problems faced by young people. In response to the needs identified, we proposed solutions (new social innovations) and made suggestions to decision-makers on how to integrate them into decision-making processes.
  4. Exchange of good practices Spain (May/June 2024)EVENT DESCRIPTION SHEET
    the Spain Good Practice Exchange consisted of two events. The first event, entitled “International Conference on Good Practices in the Promotion of Social Innovation”, brought together 87 participants; 39 international and 48 local. 8 participants came from France, 8 from Slovenia, 3 from Croatia, 10 from Italy, 5 from Germany and 5 from Austria, for a total of 7 countries.
    The second event, entitled “Workshop on the European Union and good practices in the youth field”, brought together 45 participants; 3 international and 42 local. 1 participant came from Colombia, 2 from Peru and 42 from Spain.
    Place/date: The two events took place in Spain, the first in Torre del Mar, Malaga on 16/5/2024 and the second in Seville on 27/6/2024.
    Brief description: The aim of the event was to present and discuss the results of research carried out in the partner countries on good practices in promoting social innovation, and a workshop on the European Union and good practices in the field of youth was held. One international report was produced on the topic.
  5. Final international conference France (november 2024) –EVENT DESCRIPTION SHEET
    Participation: 98 participants attended from France, 8 from Slovenia, 6 from Croatia, 8 from Italy, 12 from Spain, for a total of 5 countries.
    Place/date: The two events took place in France, the first in Bayonne on 17/10/2024 and the second in Pau on 20/11/2024.
    Brief description: The aim of the event was to present and discuss the results of the research carried out in the partner countries on the topic of social innovation. Each of the partners presented a new social innovation that they have created based on research in their local environment. The participants also had the opportunity to compare and comment on the new social innovations afterwards. One international report was produced on the topic.



  • Promoting active citizenship among young people.
    Promote the use of a bottom-up approach among decision-makers in policy-making for young people.


Associated partners:

Project duration between 1. 12. 2022  and 31. 11. 2024, co-funded by the European Union.


Contact:, 00386 31 737 399

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

First project event in Šibenik, Croatia: International conference Croatia – The impact of COVID-19 crisis on young people in Croatia, France, Italy, Slovenia and Spain